美国Cell Applications公司原代细胞专用转染试剂!-产品资讯-资讯-生物在线

美国Cell Applications公司原代细胞专用转染试剂!

作者:北京四正柏生物科技有限公司 2015-09-11T17:06 (访问量:5936)

Cytofect™™ 转染试剂是一种新型独特的专门用于原代细胞转染的化学试剂。 多年来,原代细胞的分子转运有着技术及成本障碍,如昂贵的电转设备,转染试剂的细胞毒性等。Cytofect™™转染试剂很好地解决了这些难题。


l 高效率
Human Aortic Endothelial Cells (HAOEC):人主动脉内皮细胞

Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells (HCAEC):人冠状动脉内皮细胞

l 低毒性
Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) transfected with a GFP expression plasmid using Cytofect™™ Transfection Kit maintain their morphology and transgene expression even after subculturing.

l 操作简单

l 完整的转染系统

l 高质量

When compared side-by-side with leading competitors' transfection reagents, Cytofect™™ outperforms them in terms of delivery efficiency and low toxicity across a wide range of primary cells. Additionally, Cytofect™™ provides comparable performance in many commonly used cell lines at a lower cost per transfection.

l 低成本

产品货号 产品名称 规格 转染效率 细胞存活率 成功转染的细胞
TF101K Cytofect™ Endothelial Cell Transfection Kit内皮细胞 Kit 40%-85% 80%-95% HUVEC, HAOEC, HCAEC, HPAEC, HLMVEC, HDLMVEC, HDBMVEC, BAOEC, BCAEC, PAEC, RAOEC, RBMVEC
TF102K Cytofect™ Epithelial Cell Transfection Kit上皮细胞 Kit 40%-70% 70%-95% HBEpC, HTEpC, HMpC, HEK
TF103K Cytofect™ Fibroblast Transfection Kit成纤维细胞 Kit 30%-70% 90%-95% HDF, HCF, HLF
TF104K Cytofect™ Cell Line Transfection Kit Kit 40%-90% 80%-95% 293, CHO, Hela, MCF-7
TF200K Cytofect™ HUVEC Transfection Kit人脐静脉血管内皮细胞 Kit 45%-65% 85%-95% HUVEC
TF350K Cytofect™ Smooth Muscle Transfection Kit平滑肌细胞 Kit 40%-90% 80%-95% HAOSMC, HCASMC, HPASMC, HITASMC, HCtASMC, HBcASMC, HScASMC, HUVSMC
TF780K Cytofect™ Hepatocyte Transfection kit肝细胞 Kit 40% 70%-95% Rat Hepatocytes (RH)
TF802K Cytofect™ Preadipocyte Transfection Kit前脂肪细胞 Kit 25% 80%-95% HPAd
TF402K Cytofect™ Chondrocyte Transfection Kit软骨细胞 Kit 35% 80%-95% HC
TF886K Cytofect™ Rat Neuron Transfection Kit神经元细胞 Kit 10%-20% 80%-95% Human/Rat Neuron
北京四正柏生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 北京市北京经济技术开发区科创六街88号院北京亦庄生物医药园

联系人: 周先生

电 话: 0755-86371794

传 真: 010-56315212-8813

